Special Educator, Student Achievement & Outstanding Parent Awards

Interested in nominating an outstanding educator, student, or parent? Learn more about the awards, nominations, and winners from last year below. Click the title of the award to open the application

The Franklin B. Walter Outstanding Educator Award is given to an educator or team from each of the 16 State Support Teams in Ohio who have made extraordinary contributions to the education of students with disabilities. This award is given in honor of the late Franklin B Walter, Superintendent of Public Instruction from 1977 until 1991, a post held longer than any other state superintendent in Ohio’s history. With over 50 years of service as a teacher and administrator, Dr. Walter’s leadership is evident in many of Ohio’s quality educational initiatives and programs. Among these is the development of the nation’s first statewide plan for children with disabilities.

The R. A. Horn Outstanding Achievement Award for a Student is presented to one exemplary special education student from each of Ohio’s 16 State Support Team regions. This award was established 25 years ago by the Ohio Department of Education in honor of the late Dr. Raymond A. Horn, Assistant Superintendent of Public Instruction Emeritus. This prestigious award recognizes students’ remarkable performance. Acknowledged as a national leader in the field of special education, Dr. Horn devoted more than 60 years of service to improving the quality of life and learning for students with disabilities. Dr. Horn left behind a legacy and a challenge to ensure that every student with a disability be given the respect and the opportunities to which they are entitled.

Margaret M. Burley Award
The Margaret M. Burley Outstanding Parent Award is named in honor of Margaret Burley, Executive Director Emeritus of the Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities (OCECD). Margaret expanded the organization from five parent and professional organizations to an over $2.5 million budget working out of her home with no money for the phone bill or staff to assist her. Tom, her son, is the youngest of four children who has multiple disabilities from Congenital Rubella Syndrome. This award was established in 2018 by the OCECD Executive Committee. The nominations will go to the OCECD Executive Committee for their review and final recipient chosen. Individuals who are a parent of a child with disabilities in Ohio and who have demonstrated some or all of these preferred characteristics are eligible.
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